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Tilastointiin liittyvää tausta-aineistoa ja muita kuin varsinaisia tilastojulkaisuja, kuten julkaisuluetteloita, bibliografioita, käsikirjoja, oppaita ja tutkimusluonteisia selvityksiä sekä Tilastollisia tiedonantoja-, Muistio-, Katsauksia-, Tutkimuksia- ja Working Papers/Työpaperi-sarjoissa ilmestyneitä julkaisuja sekä Tilastokeskuksen Tieto&trendit-lehdet (2011−2017).
13 tulokset
- Nordic Information Socity Statistics 2005(Nordic Council of Ministers, 2005)In recent years, the Nordic countries have in the field of ICT statistics produced a series of projects aimed at describing the influence and development of the Information Society. This work has partly been carried out in collaboration with the Nordic Council of Ministers. Methodological guidelines and publications centred on the development of ICT statistics in the Nordic countries are important results of the Nordic ICT network between Nordic statistical institutes, which was established in 1999 with the purpose to profile and develop statistics in this important area. This publication is the latest result of this co-operation building on its predecessor from 2002 and capturing the development of the Nordic Information societies since then, by including detailed and recently updated official data. Moreover, special analyses in key areas have been included in the publication, which seeks to contribute to future directions in the measurement of the Information Society. This publication was co-financed by the Nordic Council of Ministers and has been co-ordinated by Statistics Denmark. The editorial team consisted of Martin Lundø (chapters 3, 4 and 5), Troels Burchall Henningsen (chapters 6 and 7) and Henrik Lynge Hansen (chapters 1, 2 and 8).
- Changes in Internet usage : Result from the survey on ICT usage in households and by individuals 2008(Statistics Finland, 2009)
- Three Years of the Information Society(Statistics Finland, 2001) Nurmela, Juha
- Kolme vuotta tietoyhteiskunnassa : Pitkittäistutkimus uuden tieto- ja viestintätekniikan käystöstä(Tilastokeskus, 2001) Nurmela, Juha
- Does Modern Information Technology Select Its Users?(Statistics Finland, 1998) Nurmela, Juha
- Valikoiko uusi tieto- ja viestintätekniikka käyttäjänsä?(Tilastokeskus, 1998) Nurmela, Juha
- Tietoyhteiskuntatilastojen kehittäminen − Projektin loppuraportti(Tilastokeskus, 1997)
- The Finns and Modern Information Technology(Statistics Finland, 1997) Nurmela, Juha
- Suomalaiset ja uusi tietotekniikka(Tilastokeskus, 1997) Nurmela, Juha