175 tulokset
- Trend Indicator of Output : 2021, November(Statistics Finland, 2022)
- Trend Indicator of Output : 2021, December(Statistics Finland, 2022)
- Trend Indicator of Output : 2022, January(Statistics Finland, 2022)
- Trend Indicator of Output : 2021, July(Statistics Finland, 2021)
- Trend Indicator of Output : 2021, August(Statistics Finland, 2021)
- Trend Indicator of Output : 2021, October(Statistics Finland, 2021)
- Trend Indicator of Output : 2021, May(Statistics Finland, 2021)
- Trend Indicator of Output : 2021, June(Statistics Finland, 2021)
- Trend Indicator of Output : 2021, September(Statistics Finland, 2021)
- Trend Indicator of Output : 2021, April(Statistics Finland, 2021)